Monday, April 6, 2015

Matthew Berry Review

        I agree with Matthew Berry's article completely. When someone is being bullied or harassed it is hard to speak up and tell people about it. Mostly everyone in this world has been bullied or harassed some time in their life, but if you asked them all if they spoke up the common answer would be no. Many people fear that if they speak out about it they will only make things worse, like Berry said in his article, "Tell and authority you're a tattletale. They'll just come at you harder and more cleverly disguised. You get jumpy, looking and assuming things are there when they aren't." In most cases telling someone about it does make it worse, because maybe the bully doesn't really get punished and comes back at you with even worse things than before. When things like this happen things get worse for everyone the bully starts to become more aggressive towards everyone else, and for the victim things like paranoia and depression start to consume their lives. Bullying and harassment needs to be stopped, their is no upside to it and only negative outcomes. Speaking out is tough and is usually worse than actually getting bullied, but if we as a society want it to be gone as a whole then we need to do something when these victims speak out, and not just over look the situation. It needs to end once and for all.

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